Renewable energy for everyone.

A trendy, interactive plug-and-play renewable energy technology that offers immediate financial relief from high electricity bills and energy security.

A novel renewable energy: Roadway Traffic

Renewable energy originates from consistently replenished sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric power. Additionally, vehicle traffic represents an abundant and dependable yet often overlooked source of renewable energy.

Energy Humps

Energy Humps are installed on the roadway and are powered by vehicle traffic. They resemble speed humps, but rather compress under force when driven over to power a turbine generating 100% clean hydroelectricity.


Both property owners and renters can lower emissions and pay less for electricity with community Energy Humps. Energy humps double serve as traffic control to keep pedestrians safe. Discover if an Energy Hump is right for you.

Site Locations

Locate installed Energy Humps and track clean energy production.

Facts About Energy Humps

E-humps are portable and can scale where existing renewable energy technologies can not, to include the commercial market, low-income neighborhoods where they double serve as speed control, and to homes without a proper roof structure for solar.”

Kelly C.

E-humps produce significantly less waste/pollution and labor than existing renewable energy technologies. They do not require outsourced specialty materials, and in fact, the materials used in E-hump production are low cost and plentiful in every US State.”

Rhys D.

Ideal E-hump Site Locations

The Highway Tolls

The Bay area is a great place to install a large E-hump system. In July 2022, there were 3,739,359 one-way vehicle toll crossings on the SF – Oakland Bay Bridge, with a total of 39,324,095 vehicles for the 2020-2021 year ( The energy from these vehicles will be converted into renewable energy, directly contributing to the grid and generating revenue for the DOT. Experiencing E-humps on the highway will raise awareness about climate change and renewable energy efforts. The utility sized E-hump is expected to produce an estimated 2,023 kWh (or 2 MW per day) or 738,395 kWh per year with daily variations depending upon the traffic rate and represents an annual reduction of 523 metric tons of CO2 emissions annually. This is equivalent to the CO2 emissions from 66 homes’ electricity use for one year ( When applying the net-meter price per kWh at a conservative of $0.16 kWh (i.e., the national rate) the system can generate revenue of $323 per day, which provides a net revenue of $109,794 per year. The projected return-on-investment (ROI) for a $150,000 E-hump system equates to a 73% payback period of 1.4 years.

Commercial Areas

The E-hump is an easy-to-use system that comes with a free app subscription. By setting it up in the right-of-way, multiple businesses can share it to immediately lower their electric bills. The E-hump also provides energy security during grid black-outs and replaces the need for a fuel powered generator.

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